Fort McMurray Office

105A, 9816 Hardin Street
Fort McMurray, Alberta
T9H 4K3
PH: 780-748-0700
FAX: 780-748-0710

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be acted upon as legal advice but is legal information only. It is not intended to be acted upon in any specific situation. While we take care to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate and up to date, legal situations are always very fact dependent, and even small differences in fact may have very different legal results. Reading this website does not create a solicitor- client relationship. If you have a specific legal situation, you should seek legal counsel to advise you on the specifics of your case. We assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the Content of this website.